A products by SHREDZ

Overall Rating:stars2hgt

Positives Negatives
  • Contains Zinc
  • Multiple Servings
  • Ineffective and Outdated Ingredients
  • Proprietary Blends
  • $75+ a bottle!

Review Overview – What does SHREDZ TESTOSTERONE do?

shredz-testosterone-review-1From SHREDZ comes TESTOSTERONE the T-booster from the supplement company’s Alpha Series.

A lot of you have been asking us to review this product, and we agree it’s one that needs investigating.

Despite the size and reputation of SHREDZ, something just isn’t right with this product.

It claims to:

  • Boost Testosterone

Here’s what we found:


If you want to see the best Testosterone Boosters on the market at the moment, check out the 3 Highest Rated Testosterone Boosters in the link below:

– The 3 Highest Rated Testosterone Boosters –

How are the servings?

They’re pretty good.

With 3 servings a day, your body can get a constant supply of the nutrients it needs throughout the day to keep your testosterone levels constantly on the rise.

Providing the ingredients are good.

What about the ingredients?


This supplement is largely just one proprietary blend.

The majority of it’s ingredients are bundled together and passed off as one single ingredient. This stops us knowing how much of each ingredient is being used – or how effective it will be.


Truth be told, there’s only one or two ingredients in this product that are worth using.

Here’s our run-down:shredz-supplement-facts

The Zinc is always a good addition…

Zinc is an essential mineral to the testosterone boosting process.

Needed for reactions in the brain to create the Luteinizing Hormone (LH) – this is the precursor to both testosterone and growth hormone.

And there’s a healthy amount in this product.

Although we’re not so sure about the Spanish Pellitory…

Studies have shown that this nutrient may boost libido, but we’re not so sure when it comes to actual testosterone boosting.

There has been no hard evidence confirmed as of yet.

And the Maca root doesn’t do much either…

This Peruvian Root doesn’t have much evidence behind it, and is mainly touted as a libido booster.

This is more a Male Enhancement nutrient – and not a good one at that. There’s no place for this in a testosterone.

Same goes for the Tongkat Ali (a.k.a. LongJack)…

AGAIN. Another libido enhancer.

With no links to boosting testosterone.

This is a poor show from the SHREDZ Alpha Series.

At least there’s Fenugreek…

Although this is ANOTHER libido booster, there is some testosterone benefits that we can get from Fenugreek.

With it’s power to regulate blood sugar, Fenugreek lowers the amount of insulin in your body, decreasing the amount of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) a protein known for sapping testosterone of it’s muscle building qualities.

And Munca Pruriens…

Also known as Velvet Bean extract, this nutrient has been seen to effectively boost testosterone when taken at the recommended dose.

However we have to remember that SHREDZ TESTOSTERONE is mainly just a proprietary blend – we have no idea of how much is in this T-Booster.shredz-testosterone-review

Ingredients: The Bottom Line

As you can see, the ingredients in this product aren’t great. The only redeeming nutrients appear to be the Zinc, Fenugreek and Mucuna Pruiens – although we don’t know how much of the last two are actually used.

It also seems very libido orientated – with unreliable ingredients – regardless, it’s not the best for making muscle gains.

If you want to see the best nutrients you can find in a testosterone booster, check out our Top 10 in the link below:

– The Best T-Boosting Nutrients –

Side Effects

There have been no side effects reported with this product.


There are good points and bad points to ‘TESTOSTERONE’.

On the good side it has multiple daily servings and contains zinc.

On the bad side:

  • Many ineffective T-boosting ingredients – Confuses libido boosters with testosterone boosters
  • Proprietary Blend – No idea how much of each ingredient is actually in this product
  • The Price – Currently selling for $75+

You’re better off looking into a T-Booster with far more effective ingredients without proprietary blends.

You can see the 3 highest rated testosterone boosters on this site by clicking the link below:

Our #1 For Boosting Testosterone - TestoFuel

Out of all the T-Boosters I've tried, TestoFuel is the best for Maximum Muscle Gains.

It also:
- Added Strength
- Cut Body Fat
- Boosted My Energy

I took it for 3 Months and I saw some INSANE results!


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