boostULTIMATE Review

A product by boostULTIMATEstars2hgt

Positives Negatives
  • Contains Oyster Extract
  • Poor Serving Schedule
  • Proprietary Blends
  • Ineffective and Outdated Ingredients

Review Overview – What does boostULTIMATE do?

boostultimate-review-1This is a supplement a lot of you have been asking me to review – boostULTIMATEmost likely because it’s a big seller on Amazon.

But just because it’s a good seller, doesn’t mean it’s the best.

So what does it do, well it claims to:

  • Boost Testosterone
  • Increase Muscle and Strength
  • Have Fast Permanent Results

We highly doubt that last one, testosterone levels are something that need constant attention to maintain and grow.

So how does this one measure up? This is what we found:

How are the Servings?

Not that great.

With 2 servings a day, there’s only so much this T-Booster can do for your Test levels. There are too big-a-gaps between each servings.

What’s the best serving amount?

3 – 4 daily servings is the best for a testosterone booster, this keeps your hormones constantly topped-up with the nutrients they need to progress.

For the T-Boosters with the best ingredients and servings check out our 3 Highest Rated T-Boosters on the market, there’ll definitely be a better alternative for you over there:

– Our 3 Highest Rated Testosterone Boosters –

What about the Ingredients?

On the whole it doesn’t look good.

Firstly, this product has a huge proprietary blend that devalues many of the ingredients used.

A proprietary blend is a range of nutrients put together to pose as one ingredient – this stops us knowing each ingredients actual value and if they’re actually effective.

On top of all that the ingredients aren’t actually that good.

Take a look for yourself:boostULTIMATE-supp-facts

Here’s what you need to know:

The Good Ingredients


Although these ingredients are classed as the ‘good ones’ remember they’re still part of a proprietary blend that means we don’t know how much of each one is actually in boostULTIMATE

Or how effective they actually are.

These are just ingredients we know work when used in the correct dosages.

Oyster Extract is probably the best ingredient in this product…

Containing 10x as much zinc than red meat, Oyster Extract is great nutrient for boosting testosterone.

Zinc helps with reactions in the brain to produce the luteinizing hormone (LH) the precursor to both testosterone and growth hormone.

Nettle is a good choice too…

Used to promote free testosterone in the blood stream, Nettle Extract lowers your body’s amount of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin – a protein that binds to testosterone and strips it of it’s power.

This allows you to have more control over your testosterone.

Boron is in a similar boat…

Another testosterone promoter, boron has been seen in studies to increase overall testosterone while decreasing estrogen.

The Ineffective Ingredients

  • Tongkat Ali – Also known as Longjack, an ineffective T-booster and unreliable libido enhancer
  • Maca – Some libido boosting qualities, no evidence for Testosterone support
  • L-Arginine – Thought to promote nitric acid, although studies have shown it’s absorbed poorly by the body
  • Ginseng Blend – Does not stipulate which type of ginseng
  • And so much more – The majority of the ingredients in this product have no effect on T-boosting


As you can see there isn’t a lot going for boostULITMATE. If you want to see what you should be looking for in a Test Booster click the link below to see the top performing testosterone boosting nutrients:

– Top T-Boosting Nutrients –

Side Effects

No side effects have been reported with boostULTIMATE.

boostULTIMATE Review Conclusion

Overall, it’s clear to see that this is by no means the best supplements for your hormones out there.

There’s too many faults:

  • Poor Servings – Only 2 servings a day, way off what’s recommended
  • Ineffective Ingredients – Many unreliable nutrients used in this product
  • Proprietary Blends – It’s unclear how much of the good ingredients are used – which makes us doubt it’s effectiveness.

This definitely is not the best out there when it comes to making muscle gains.

For the best T-Boosters on the market, check out our Top 3 for this year, you’ll definitely find something more suitable:

Our #1 For Boosting Testosterone - TestoFuel

Out of all the T-Boosters I've tried, TestoFuel is the best for Maximum Muscle Gains.

It also:
- Added Strength
- Cut Body Fat
- Boosted My Energy

I took it for 3 Months and I saw some INSANE results!

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