Zhou Boost Elite Review

A product by Zhou

Overall Rating:


Positives Negatives
  • Contains Zinc and Fenugreek
  • Poor Servings
  • Potential Side Effects
  • Ineffective Ingredients

Review Overview – What does Zhou’s Boost Elite do?

zhou-boost-elite-reviewBoost Elite is an all natural testosterone booster from Zhou that’s claimed to:

  • Promote Testosterone
  • Increase Libido
  • Enhance Energy Levels

But how well does it really work?

In this review we’ve looked at the science, ingredients, servings and safety of this product to see if it’s really up to industry standards.

This is what you need to know:

How are the servings?

Not great.
With only 1 – 2 servings a day, Zhou’s Boost Elite will only give you a mild testosterone lift throughout the day.

If you want to get the best effects from a T-Booster, ideally you need around 3 – 4 servings a day. This gives your hormones the constant supply of nutrients they need to keep progressing.

The fewer the servings, the more of an opportunity you T-levels have to dip back down to their standard baseline.

P.S.: We’ve put together a list of the best testosterone boosters on the market with the most effective ingredients and servings, you can check out all 3 in the link below:

The 3 Best Testosterone Boosters

What about the ingredients in Zhou’s Boost Elite?

There’s also a problem here too.

Despite the huge nutrient profile for Boost Elite, there’s actually very few good ingredients in the product.

There’s also a side effect risk, check it out: zhou-boost-elite-side-effects

Tribulus Terrestris

One of the worst testosterone boosters on the market.

Once thought to help improve testosterone levels, studies have shown that this isn’t actually the case.

There is no evidence that to support this theory. It has failed several clinical trials.

It may however help boost your libido.

Horny Goat Weed

Like Tribulus, Horny Goat Weed was once thought to raise testosterone, but nothing concrete ever came through.

There is no evidence that Horny Goat Weed improves testosterone.


An effective testosterone booster, albeit indirectly. Fenugreek helps lower your body’s insulin levels, which is known to interfere with testosterone levels.

With lower insulin, your body has the ability to produce more testosterone and improve overall health.


An ineffective testosterone booster.

This Peruvian herb was thought at one point to raise testosterone levels and libido, however studies have yet to show that it actually works.


One of the better minerals for testosterone  boosting.

Zinc is used by the body for reactions in the brain that promote the luteinizing hormone (LH).

LH is the precursor to both growth hormone and testosterone, which is exactly what you need for good results.

Panax Ginseng

Similar to Fenugreek. Panax Ginseng is another nutrient improves T via indirect means.

By lowering blood sugar, you also lower your insulin levels. This lowers any interference with your testosterone levels and allows you to get more out of the male hormone.

Gotu Kola

Seen to help with circulation and energy. Kola may help with workout intensity but it definitely won’t help boost testosterone.


Also known as Betaine, this is more of a preworkout nutrient.

Mainly by increasing circulation and focus, this nutrient may improve gym sessions, but it will not improve testosterone.

Tongkat Ali

Originally thought to be an effective testosterone booster, unfortunately, studies have shown this to not be the case.

There has been no evidence to show that this nutrient boosts testosterone.

There is a small chance of it boosting libido.


A fat burning nutrient, that may cause side effects.

Also known as bitter orange extract, Synephrine has very little studies that support it as a fat burner. However, there have been many reports of side effects reported with the nutrient.

You can get the full details in the side effects section.


A type of tree bark used as an appetite suppressant – however, it won’t boost testosterone.

It does have some effect on your appetite, but poor dosing can lead to side effects, which are not pleasant.zhou-boost-elite-results

Ingredients Bottom Line:

As you can see, Zhou’s Boost Elite is packed full of ineffective ingredients.

The only choices that are really worth having here are the Fenugreek, Zinc and Ginseng – but they’re not worth the risk due to the other ingredients.

A big problem with this product is the synephrine and the yohimbe – which can both cause side effects.

On the whole we’d advise against this testosterone booster.

To see what ingredients we do recommend in a testosterone booster, check out our best T-Boosting nutrients in the link below:

Best T-Boosting Nutrients

Side Effects?

The main things you have to worry about here are the synephrine and the yohimbe.

Synephrine is a fat loss aid, that doesn’t have that great of an impact – it does however when it comes to side effects. Many that take synephrine have reported it giving headaches, irregular heartbeats and nausea.

Yohimbe on the other hand has caused hypertension, anxiety and gastrointestinal distress in some user reports.

Needless to say, this is not the kind of thing you want when you’re trying to boost your testosterone.

Is there anything better than Zhou Boost Elite?

There absolutely is.

We’ve done the research, and looked far and wide for the best supplements on the market that promote:

  1. Muscle Gains
  2. Fat Loss
  3. Testosterone Levels
  4. Energy
  5. Mood
  6. Sex Drive

And it we’ve finally narrowed it down to just three.

These are the best testosterone boosters on the market, that both myself and our readers agree provide the best results. You can check them out below:

The 3 Best Testosterone Boosters

Zhou Boost Elite Review Conclusion

On the whole, this isn’t the best testosterone booster out there and there are several reasons why.

If you’re thinking of getting Zhou’s Boost Elite, this is what you need to know:

  1. Poor Servings – This product only has 1 – 2 servings per day, not enough for day long testosterone boosting
  2. Ineffective Ingredients – Many of the ingredients in this product are not clinically tested
  3. Potential Side Effects – Both Synephrine and Yohimbe have been linked to causing side effects.

Needless to say, you can do a lot better.

To see what our readers (and myself) have had the best results with, check out our top testosterone booster that we’ve reviewed in the link below:

Our #1 For Boosting Testosterone - TestoFuel

Out of all the T-Boosters I've tried, TestoFuel is the best for Maximum Muscle Gains.

It also:
- Added Strength
- Cut Body Fat
- Boosted My Energy

I took it for 3 Months and I saw some INSANE results!

Review Date
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Zhou Boost Elite
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1 Comment

  1. Anonymous

    This shit is giving me the
    Worst headaches..Stopping immediately..


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