Prime Male Review

A product by Propura

Overall Rating:stars4hgt

Positives Negatives
  • Contains Core T-Boosting Ingredients
  • Perfect for fighting Low T
  • Boosts Libido
  • Suppresses Estrogen
  • Promotes Free Testosterone
  • Can only be bought on company website
  • Expensive ($69.00 a Box!)

Review Overview – How does Prime Male Work?

Prime Male is a natural testosterone booster from the folks at Propura which claims to help with the decline of the male hormone after passing 30.

FACT: After hitting 30, your testosterone levels decrease an average of 1% each year.

From what we’ve seen Prime Male helps:

  • Increase Testosterone Levels
  • Improve Energy Levels
  • Decrease Estrogen
  • Cut Fat
  • Enhance Libido and Sex Drive

This review covers what makes Prime Male and how it’s delivered and if it really is exactly what you need to boost testosterone levels.primemalehgt

Are the Servings Good?


Prime Male has 4 servings a day. Which is EXACTLY what you should be looking for in a testosterone booster.

Having constant servings throughout the day gives your body a constant stream of the nutrients it needs to continually improve testosterone levels.

How Are the Ingredients?

In a word: Impressive.

Prime Male is set up to combat low testosterone, and it does that very well.

And best of all there are no proprietary blends you know exactly what you’re getting in this supplement, and how much of it.

Here’s what we liked the most about Prime Male.

5000 IUs of Vitamin D3 is such a good start…

Vitamin D3 is probably one of the best testosterone boosting nutrients out there – and Prime Male has 5000 IUs of it.

Actually absorbed by our bodies from the sun, this power vitamin is technically a hormone and key to improving overall testosterone levels.

Vitamin D3 also promotes joint health, immunity and helps fight heart disease, arthritis, diabetes and more.

1600 mg of D-Aspartic Acid Calcium Chelate is a huge benefit to T-levels…

D-Aspartic Acid (D-AA) is a potent amino acid for boosting testosterone.

Used for numerous reactions in the brain to produce Luteinzing Hormone (LH) the precursor of both testosterone and growth horomone.

Typically 2000mg of DAA is needed to boost T, however Prime Male uses D-Aspartic Acid Calcium Chelate – A more potent form so less is required.

And the 30 mg of Zinc is plenty…

Zinc is a key mineral to the testosterone boosting process, and like DAA, promotes LH.

This makes it a crucial nutrient for increasing both testosterone and growth hormone.

The 60 mg of Luteolin is a good call as well…

A bioflavonoid – and great for the older man as it suppresses estrogen.

When compared against over 1,400 other natural compounds, luteolin was seen to be the best for inhibiting the enzyme that produces estrogen. It’s you’re 35 and over, you’re going to want to look at this.

Full List:prime-male-supp-facts

Honorable Mentions:

  • Asian Red Ginseng – Libido Enhancer
  • Magnesium, Boron & Nettle Root – Free Testosterone Promoter
  • Vitamin B6 – Estrogen Suppressant

The Free Testosterone side of this is incredibly valuable. As you get older the amount of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin in your blood stream increases.

This is a protein that binds to testosterone and strips it of any anabolic value – rendering it useless. These nutrients cut down on the protein’s production and gives you more Free T.

SHBG can bind to up 60% of your circulating testosterone! It’s a good thing this supplement tackles

As you can see there’s a lot of nutrients in this T-Booster which gears it up to fight low testosterone.

You can learn more what each nutrient in Prime Male does over on their website:

People Who Use Prime Male

One of the main people that use Prime Male is Hollywood star Dolph Lundgren who claims to take the T-Booster every day:

By the way, how good does Andre look for his age?

It’s really comforting to see guys like this sharing their secrets of how they maintain that edge as they get older.

Side Effects

Prime Male has all natural and safe ingredients. There have been no side effects reported with this T-Booster.

Prime Male Review Conclusion

Overall, this is a great T-Booster – especially if you’re an older man.

With extra focus on estrogen suppression and freeing up testosterone Prime Male helps:

  • Increase Energy
  • Raise Testosterone
  • Cut down Fat Storage
  • Ramp up Libido

It’s a great supplement to combat low testosterone with.

But if you’re looking for muscle gains I would reconsider, and look for something more like TestoFuel.

To find out more about Prime Male, the ingredients, servings and what their customers have to say about it, check out their website at:

And you can see more of our highest rated testosterone boosters by clicking the box below:

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Prime Male
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