Nugenix Ultimate Testosterone Review

A product by Nugenix

Overall Rating:


Positives Negatives
  • Contains some good testosterone producers
  • Poor Servings
  • Some ineffective ingredients

Review Overview – What does Nugenix’s Ultimate Testosterone do?

Made by Nugenix, Ultimate Testosterone is an all natural, premium testosterone booster claimed to:

  • Boost testosterone
  • Increase free testosterone
  • Enhance sex drive
  • Improve muscle mass


But just how well does it work?

In this review, we look closer at Ultimate Testosterone to see just how effective it really is for the price.

This is what you need to know:

How are the servings?


With only one serving a day, boosting your testosterone will be a slow process with this supplement.

For the best results you need 3 – 4 servings a day. This gives your hormones a constant supply of the nutrients they need to stay on the rise.

With only 1 a day, the 24 hour gap between each serving will really take its toll, and it’ll be hard to take your hormones to the next level.

It’s not great.

What about the ingredients in Nugenix’s Ultimate Testosterone?

Could be better.

There are some good ingredients in this product – however, not all of them are that effective.

Just under half of the ingredients used have no real clinical proof of boosting testosterone.

It’s a poor show. Here’s a run down of the main ingredients:nugenix-ulitmate-testosterone-side-effects

D-Aspartic Acid

One of the better testosterone producers.

D-Aspartic is used in the brain for several reactions regarding testosterone.

One of the main benefits is by how it helps create the Luteinzing Hormone (LH).

LH is crucial to the testosterone boosting process, and works as a precursor for the male hormone and also helps to create growth hormone.


Another good choice.

Fenugreek is a natural libido booster, but it has also been seen to help boost testosterone.

By its ability to promote blood sugar regulation, Fenugreek can help reduce overall insulin levels in your body.

Insulin is known to directly interfere with, and reduce testosterone levels – so the less you have of it the better.

It’s a good addition.


This mineral can also help.

Boron has been seen in several studies to help increase testosterone, but also do more.

It’s also suggested that this mineral may help lower estrogen levels in some people, giving their T-levels an even further edge.

Epimedium grandiflorum

Also known as Horny Goat Weed, and not that great of a choice.

Horny Goat Weed was originally thought to help boost testosterone levels – however, studies have shown otherwise. It has little to no effect.

The only way it seems to have any benefit is by mildly helping libido – and even that’s unreliable.

Mucuna Pruriens

One of the better choices, also known as Velvet Bean.

Known for its serotonin, and its ability to boost the body’s level of L-Dopa. Mucuna Pruriens are great for lowering cortisol.

Cortisol is your body’s stress hormone, and it directly interferes with testosterone. The less of it you have, the better – and velvet bean helps the process.


A not so great option.

Maca was thought at one point to raise testosterone, but this turned out to not be the case.

When it comes to your T-levels, this herb does very little – however it does have a very mild effect on libido.

Stinging Nettle

A good choice for free testosterone.

Stinging Nettle has been to directly affect SHBG, or Sex Hormone Binding Globulin – a protein that latches on to testosterone and saps it of its anabolic potency.

With less SHBG, more testosterone can flow through your system, readily available and unaffected by the protein.

Tongkat Ali

Sadly another poorer choice.

Tongkat Ali, also known as LongJack, follows a similar path to Maca.

It was thought to help raise testosterone, but studies showed that this just isn’t the case.

It may have a mild effect on libido, but from a testosterone point of view, it has very little effect.nugenix-ulitmate-testosterone-results

Ingredients Bottom Line:

When it come to nutrient profiles, Nugenix’s Ultimate Testosterone isn’t the best you can come across.

Although it has a few good ingredients, it has some that are pretty ineffective.

You’re not paying for 100% quality here, the Maca, Horny Goat Weed and LongJack aren’t going to much for you.

There are better options out there.

Side Effects

There have been no side effects reported with this testosterone booster.

Is there anything better than this Testosterone Booster?

There absolutely is.

We’ve done the research, and looked far and wide for the best supplements on the market that promote:

  1. Muscle Gains
  2. Fat Loss
  3. Testosterone Levels
  4. Energy
  5. Mood
  6. Sex Drive

And it we’ve finally narrowed it down to just three.

These are the best testosterone boosters on the market, that both myself and our readers agree provide the best results. You can check them out below:

The 3 Best Testosterone Boosters

Nugenix Ultimate Testosterone Review Conclusion

On the whole, this isn’t your best option when it comes to testosterone boosting, and there are several reasons why.

From this review, when it comes to Ultimate Testosterone, this is what you need to know:

  • Poor Servings – With only one serving a day,  you don’t get day-long testosterone boosting. The effects can wear off.
  • Some ineffective ingredients – A handful of the ingredients used are poor testosterone boosters and will have little to no effect.

It’s not the best option.

To see what our readers, and editor, are using the most to boost testosterone, check out our number 1 choice. It’s our highest rated testosterone booster and the safest we’ve come across:

Our #1 For Boosting Testosterone - TestoFuel

Out of all the T-Boosters I've tried, TestoFuel is the best for Maximum Muscle Gains.

It also:
- Added Strength
- Cut Body Fat
- Boosted My Energy

I took it for 3 Months and I saw some INSANE results!