A product by EPIQ

Overall Rating:stars2hgt


Positives Negatives
  • Contains Zinc
  • No sign of Estrogen Suppression (Despite Claims)
  • Ineffective Ingredients
  • Proprietary Blends

Review Overview – What does EPIQ QUAD TEST do?

epiq-quad-test-review-1QUAD TEST is a testosterone booster on the market brought to us by EPIQ, and there’s been a lot of talk about it online.

So there’s just one question:

Does it actually work?

On their website QUAD TEST is claimed to:

  • Increase Free Testosterone
  • Support Estrogen Balance

Which are pretty basic functions of a T-Booster – so we expected it to be able to do that at bare minimum.

However we didn’t find any of the ingredients to help with Estrogen balance – and that was just the start of it…

How are the Servings?


With only 2 servings a day, this supplement could be doing a lot more to help raise your T.

The best results are seen in T-Boosters that have 3 – 4 servings per day. This keeps the nutrient supply at a constant giving your body everything it needs to take your testosterone to the next level.

P.S. You can see the T-Boosters that actually do that, over here.

– The 3 Highest Rated T-Boosters –

Does it have Good Ingredients?

In a word: no.

There are one or two good ingredients in EPIQ QUAD TEST but the majority are poor.

On top of that it’s all part of a proprietary blend.

Proprietary Blend – Numerous ingredients grouped together as one, passed off as a ‘blend’. This stops us knowing how much of each ingredient is being used, or how effective it is.

Here’s what we saw as the most notable ingredients:

The Good:

Zinc’s always a good choice – but there’s not a lot here…

Zinc’s a great mineral for boosting testosterone, it’s used by your brain for the reactions that create the luteinzing hormone (LH) – the precursor to testosterone and growth hormone.

At least there’s Boron…

Boron is an effective mineral for promoting circulating testosterone. There’s been quite a lot of studies into the mineral and the general consensus is that it’s effective for boosting T.

Ashwagandha helps as well, albeit indirectly…

This is a herb that’s used in traditional medicine – ashwagandha has been seen to lower the stress hormone cortisol which is known to negatively interfere with testosterone levels.

The less cortisol – the more T.

The Bad:

  • Ginkgo Biloba Cognitive SupportMany studies have reported the effects to be unreliable
  • Maca – Testosterone Producer/Libido Enhancer – No studies have shown it to boost testosterone
  • Tribulus Terrestris – Testosterone Producer – No studies have shown it to boost testosterone
  • Pedalium Murex – Male Enhancement – Minimal evidence for it’s effectiveness

And the list goes on.

Full List:


Ingredients Bottom Line:

The first problem with EPIQ QUAD TEST is that all of the ingredients are in a proprietary blend – we don’t know how much of each ingredient is being used apart from the zinc.

The second problem is that the only ingredients that can directly help testosterone here are the zinc and the boron – and what’s more we don’t know how much boron is used!

To find out what you should be looking for in a Testosterone Booster, click the link below to see the top rated ingredients:

– Best T-Boosting Ingredients –

Side Effects:

None have been reported with this product.epiq-quad-test-review

EPIQ QUAD TEST Review Conclusion

Overall, this supplement has one or two good features, but quite a few flaws that damage it’s effectiveness.

The main good points that we can focus on are the zinc and the boron – both known to boost testosterone.

However, we don’t know how much boron is in this product – and you’ll need a lot more than these two ingredients to raise your test.

Add on to that the inclusion of ineffective nutrients like Tribulus, Maca and Pedalium – and it’s not looking good.

The servings aren’t great either, with only 2 a day, your body isn’t supplied with enough of the nutrients it needs to take your T-Levels further.

If you’re looking for a more effective testosterone booster to maximize your muscle and strength gains, click the box below to see our top recommended T-Boosters for this year:

Our #1 For Boosting Testosterone - TestoFuel

Out of all the T-Boosters I've tried, TestoFuel is the best for Maximum Muscle Gains.

It also:
- Added Strength
- Cut Body Fat
- Boosted My Energy

I took it for 3 Months and I saw some INSANE results!

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