Nucell Stamina Fuel Review

Overall Rating:


Positives Negatives
  • Contains Magnesium and Zinc
  • Poor Servings
  • Ineffective Ingredients

Review Overview – What does Nucell Stamina Fuel do?

Made by Nucell, this is an all natural testosterone booster that is claimed to promote:

  • Energy
  • Strength
  • Size
  • Test Levels


But how well does it really work?

In this review, we look closer at Stamina Fuel to see how effective it really is.

This is what you need to know:

How are the servings?


With only 1 serving a day of 3 capsules – you’re progress is going to be slow.

Those nutrients are only going to be in your system for a few hours after consuming them. They’ll wear off and get flushed out after that.

For the best results, you need to keep the supply constant. Make sure your T-levels keep getting enough of what they need to grow.

Ideally you need 3 – 4 servings a day to get the best results. Every few hours, so your testosterone will be constantly on the rise.

What about the ingredients in Stamina Fuel?

They’re pretty outdated.

Stamina Fuel has only 2 ingredients that are really worth talking about – the rest seem to be based on what was popular a few years back – and then later disproven.

Plus, one of the ingredients may even lower T.

Check out the main ingredients:stamina-fuel-side-effects


May help with muscle pumps – but ineffective in this form.

L-Arginine has been seen to help with blood vessel dilation, which improves the volume of blood you can pump into your muscles.

However, studies have shown it has little to no effect when supplemented orally. It isn’t absorbed effectively.

You need something like Citrulline which is converted into arginine after absorption. Unfortunately that isn’t in this supplement.

Horny Goat Weed 

This is not a great choice.

Although the name implies effective boosts of male hormones – Horny Goat Weed is a poor option when it comes to T-boosting.

Studies have shown that it has very little effects on T levels, and at most may have just a mild effect on libido.


Another bad choice.

LongJack follows similar traits to Horny Goat Weed; they’re both advertised to boost testosterone, they both have a range of studies that show otherwise, and at most all they do it boost libido.

They’re not good options for your goals.


Maca is similar to LongJack and Horny Goat Weed.

The studies for it boosting testosterone just aren’t there, however it does have some benefits for libido.


A better option.

Ginseng has studies to support its effects as a libido enhancer, and may even help promote testosterone by how it regulates blood sugar.

High blood sugar raises insulin levels, which directly effects testosterone.

It’s a good option, and may even help to promote blood flow.


Possibly the worst option.

Tribulus is a classic bad testosterone booster.

The fact that it still used in t-boosters is astonishing. There have been no studies to support its claims to raise the male hormone.

It’s an ineffective ingredient and is advertised in a very misleading way.

Saw Palmetto 

Good for male health – but won’t help testosterone.

Saw Palmetto has been seen to help with prostate health and may even mildly reduce the symptoms of hyperplasia (enlarged prostate).

Pumpkin Seed 

A better option.

Rich in zinc – a mineral which helps to increase your body’s production of the Luteinzing Hormone (LH).

LH is the precursor to both growth hormone and testosterone.

It’s a solid and reliable ingredient.

Muira Puama 

Also known as sarsaparilla.

Muira Puama is a cognitive enhancer that may help to promote brain power.

However studies have shown the results aren’t that effective.

Ginkgo Biloba 

Similar to Muira Puama, Ginkgo is another brain booster that has been though to help promote brain function.

However the results for this nutrient are so unreliable that researchers even believe that the effects may even be placebo, it’s it your best option.


A good fat burner – but it won’t help with T-levels.

Cayenne Pepper is a thermogenic. It helps raise your body’s core temperature which initiates a cool down process.

This process requires extra energy, and burns more calories and fat that you would do normally.


A very poor choice.

Licorice has been seen to actually lower testosterone levels. Its unclear why Stamina Fuel have used this nutrient.stamina-fuel-results

Ingredients Bottom Line:

On the whole, this isn’t the best nutrient profile we’ve seen.

Stamina Fuel is a misguided supplement. It seems to base its ingredients on what’s popular rather than what works – with the end result being a lot of ineffective ingredients.

The only real effective choices here are the ginseng and the pumpkin seed.

Everything else doesn’t come close.

Especially the Licorice which have even been seen to reduce T in some studies.

Side Effects

The main concern here has got to be the licorice. It’s been seen to reduce T in several studies.

It’s a risk you can’t afford to take.

Is there anything better than this Testosterone Booster?

There absolutely is.

We’ve done the research, and looked far and wide for the best supplements on the market that promote:

  1. Muscle Gains
  2. Fat Loss
  3. Testosterone Levels
  4. Energy
  5. Mood
  6. Sex Drive

And it we’ve finally narrowed it down to just three.

These are the best testosterone boosters on the market, that both myself and our readers agree provide the best results. You can check them out below:

The 3 Best Testosterone Boosters

Nucell Stamina Fuel Review Conclusion

On the whole this is the best option on the market and there are several reasons why.

From this review, here’s what you need to know about Stamina Fuel: 

  • Poor Servings – With only one serving a day, you won’t give your body a constant nutrient supply throughout the day for fast results. 
  • Ineffective ingredients – Many of the nutrients used lack clinical studies for their effectiveness. 
  • May reduce testosterone – Licorice has been seen to reduce T.

Needless to say, it’s not your best option.

To see what our readers, and editor have voted as the best testosterone booster – check out the full official review of our highest rated. It’s easily the most effective we’ve seen:

Our #1 For Boosting Testosterone - TestoFuel

Out of all the T-Boosters I've tried, TestoFuel is the best for Maximum Muscle Gains.

It also:
- Added Strength
- Cut Body Fat
- Boosted My Energy

I took it for 3 Months and I saw some INSANE results!


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