A product by USC
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Review Overview – What does ROID RAGE do?
ROID RAGE by USC is a testosterone booster that’s gathered a lot of attention recently – partly due to its name, which heavily implies that it’s potency will boost your testosterone to the point you may become aggressive.
We hardly doubt this to be the case – all we want to know is does it work?
Claiming to be the Ultimate Strength and Conditioning Testosterone Booster out there, we had to put ROID RAGE to the test to see if it was up to standard.
We were very surprised by the results, this are the true facts about this product:
How are the servings in ROID RAGE?
With only 2 servings per day, there’s only so much benefit your hormones can get out that kind of delivery. Testosterone levels need a constantly supply of nutrients throughout the day to encourage them to grow quickly and effectively.
2 servings is a good effort – but not really a successful one.
What You Should Be Looking For
For the best results you need a testosterone booster that has 3, or for the best results 4 servings a day.
This ensures that your body is constantly being supplied with the nutrients it needs to progress and make your natural testosterone levels higher.
P.S.: If you want to see the T-boosters that actually do this, we suggest checking out our top 3 T-boosters in the link below:
– Our Top 3 Testosterone Boosters –
What about the ingredients?
The worst we’ve seen.
ROID RAGE only contains one ingredient in it’s entirely – and it’s not a very good one.
There are no core T-Boosting nutrients in this product and you’re better off looking elsewhere. Just take a look at this nutrient profile:
350mg Tribulus is the ONLY ingredient in this product… wtf?
Tribulus Terrestris is the only nutrient in ROID RAGE, and if you should know anything about HomeGrownTestosterone.com – it’s that we hate Trib with a passion.
This is a herb that made a name for itself a few years ago via clever marketing and no clinical evidence – which resulted in various supplement companies cramming in as much as they could into their product to try and score some quick cash.
Unfortunately for their consumers, Tribulus Terrestris has been never proven in any study, to raise testosterone levels.
The only area that we’ve seen it have any effect is when it comes to libido, but studies have shown although it does have an impact, the results of it are minor.
Ingredients Bottom Line:
This product only contains one ingredient – an ineffective one: Tribulus Terrestris.
Needless to say this nutrient profile has a range of problems and lacks many of the core ingredients such as Vitamin D3, Zinc, Magnesium, D-Aspartic Acid and Oyster Extract.
Any one of those would’ve made this product a thousand times better.
We feel sorry for the people who are conned by the marketing into buying ROID RAGE.
If you want to learn more about what you should be looking for, check out our Top T-Boosting Nutrients page in the link below:
– Top T-Boosting Nutrients –
Side Effects
There have been side effects reported with this product.
Or any for that matter.
Overall this is a pitiful testosterone booster.
From all the areas we’ve looked at with this product it has fallen short. For starters, there are not enough daily servings for this product to be the most effective.
2 servings just don’t cut it. For the best results you need at least 4 to constantly supply your hormones with the nutrients they need.
Next we come to the ingredients, the trib. Having never been seen to be effective for boosting testosterone in any study there is no evidence out there to show that it works, apart from what mainstream marketing tells us.
What we have here is a waste of a testosterone booster. If you’re looking for something that works, we suggest you check out our top 3 below:
Out of all the T-Boosters I've tried, TestoFuel is the best for Maximum Muscle Gains.
It also:
- Added Strength
- Cut Body Fat
- Boosted My Energy
I took it for 3 Months and I saw some INSANE results!