Twinlab Test Fuel Review

A product by Twinlab

Overall Rating:


Positives Negatives
  • Contains Vitamin D3 and DAA
  • Servings need improving
  • Under-dosed in some places
  • Proprietary blend
  • Some ineffective ingredients
  • Only 2 main Testosterone Boosting Nutrients in here

Review Overview – What does Twinlab Test Fuel do?

Manufactured by Twinlab, Test Fuel is an all natural testosterone booster that has been claimed to:

  • Build Muscle
  • Boost Energy
  • Increase Testosterone


But how well does it really work?

In this review, we look closer at Test Fuel to see how effective it really is when it comes to testosterone.

This is what you need to know:

How are the servings?

Not great.

With only 2 a day, the testosterone boosting process with this product will be slow.

For the best results your T-levels need constant support – and topping them up every few hours ensures that they don’t slip back down to their base rate.

Ideally you want to be looking for a T-Booster with 3 – 4 servings a day, this gives your body the constant supply of nutrient it needs, and gives you faster results.

What about the ingredients in Test Fuel?

They could definitely do with improvement.

The majority of this T-Booster is made up of a proprietary blend.

This means the values of all the ingredients in that blend are hidden – you don’t know how much of each nutrient you’re getting, or how effective it will be.

We weren’t too impressed, here’s a run down of the main ingredients:twinlab-test-fuel-side-effects

Summary at the end.

Vitamin D3

Arguably the best vitamin for testosterone boosting.

Technically a hormone, Vitamin D3 is difficult for our body’s to get enough from sunlight, and it’s closely linked to boosting testosterone levels.

The only problem with Test Fuel here, is that it massively under doses the nutrient. Studies have shown for optimal testosterone boosting you need at least 3000 IUs or more – the 50 in this product isn’t going to cut it.

D-Aspartic Acid

Another good choice.

D-Aspartic Acid has been linked to boosting testosterone by how it works in your body.

By being used for several chemical reactions in your brain, DAA helps promote the Lutienizing Hormone (LH). This is the precursor to both testosterone and growth hormone.

However, as this is part of a proprietary blend, it’s difficult to know how much you’re getting.


One of the poorer testosterone boosters on the market.

Tribulus was originally thought to boost T – however, studies have shown that just isn’t the case.

It doesn’t boost testosterone, but it may have a mild effect on libido.

Avena Sativa

Found in Oats and also thought to improve testosterone.

Again, this isn’t necessarily the case.

Studies have shown supplementing Avena Sativa is an unreliable testosterone booster.

A lot more research has to be done on this nutrient.

Horny Goat Weed

Similar to Tribulus – and that’s not a good thing.

Horny Goat Weed has been thought to promote testosterone, however, studies have shown it has little to no effect.

At most it may mildly improve libido.


In a similar boat, there’s maca.

Also thought to raise testosterone, but in the end, nothing more than an under performing libido booster.

Nettle Extract

A better choice.

Nettle extract has been linked to improving free testosterone by interfering with your body’s Sex Hormone Binding Globulin.

SHBG is a protein that binds to testosterone, and strips it of its anabolic potency – making it useless.

With nettle inhibiting it, it reduces the effect of the protein and allows more testosterone to circulate freely.

Milk Thistle

Good for liver protection – ineffective for testosterone.

Milk Thistle is typically used during a prohormone cycle to protect your internal organs. It has some effect, but it does not boost testosterone.

LongJack (Eurycoma Longifolia)

Another ineffective T-Booster.

Like Maca and Trib, LongJack was believed to boost testosterone levels – however studies have shown that it really only helps with libido.twinlab-test-fuel-results

Ingredients Bottom Line:

Test Fuel definitely doesn’t have the best nutrient profile we’ve seen.

It has two main ‘good’ ingredients: the Vitamin D and the D-Aspartic Acid.

Unfortunately, however, the D is under-dosed, and we have no idea how much DAA we’re getting due to it being a proprietary blend.

This the same for a lot of the ingredients I this product. It’s hard to judge how much you’re getting, and it damages the credibility of the product.

It’s not a good sign.

Side Effects

There have been no side effects reported with Test Fuel.

Is there anything better than this Testosterone Booster?

There absolutely is.

We’ve done the research, and looked far and wide for the best supplements on the market that promote:

  1. Muscle Gains
  2. Fat Loss
  3. Testosterone Levels
  4. Energy
  5. Mood
  6. Sex Drive

And it we’ve finally narrowed it down to just three.

These are the best testosterone boosters on the market, that both myself and our readers agree provide the best results. You can check them out below:

The 3 Best Testosterone Boosters

Twinlab Test Fuel Review Conclusion

As you can see, This t-booster isn’t the most effective testosterone booster on the market – far from it.

From this review, here’s what you need to know about Test Fuel:

  • Servings Need Improving – With only 2 servings a day, your body will take longer to respond to this product. The nutrient supply needs to be more constant.
  • Proprietary Blends – You don’t know how much of each ingredient you’re getting. This makes it difficult to know how effective the product will actually be.
  • Ineffective Ingredients – Many of the nutrients used lack the clinical backing to support their claims.

All in all, it’s not a great product.

To see what you should be looking for in a testosterone booster, see what our readers and editor have voted as their highest choice – you can read the full report in the link below:

Our #1 For Boosting Testosterone - TestoFuel

Out of all the T-Boosters I've tried, TestoFuel is the best for Maximum Muscle Gains.

It also:
- Added Strength
- Cut Body Fat
- Boosted My Energy

I took it for 3 Months and I saw some INSANE results!

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Testlab Test Fuel
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