A product by Roar Ambition
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Review Overview – What does TestoFuel do?
TestoFuel is a natural testosterone booster that is critically acclaimed for it’s ability to boost Test levels at a faster rate than any other natural alternative on the market.
Although not aimed at the PCT market per se, we’ve heard of a lot of guys in forums and on Youtube, using the product directly after their cycle to quickly kick start their T-levels naturally.
In terms of what the supplement does TestoFuel has been seen to:
- Boost natural testosterone production
- Increase bio-availability of free testosterone
- Maintain and improve muscle mass
Although it doesn’t contain that many aromatase inhibitors to suppress estrogen, we saw TestoFuel as a great choice for anyone who’s on top of their estrogen and is looking to gain back they’re testosterone quickly.
The fact that the booster is specifically aimed at boosting lean muscle mass will also help towards maintaining the gains you achieved during your cycle.
What People are Saying about TestoFuel:
We’ve done some digging on the net for anything regarding TestoFuel’s effects on testosterone and we’ve come across a couple of cases that really gets across how effective this stuff really is.
On their site, TFuel offers a lot of testimonials about guys who have taken the product and seen some pretty crazy results.
The first one that got out attention was from this French customer, Pierre.
Genetics are clearly on this guy’s side, but as you can see over the 9 months of taking it this supplement is clearly making a difference:
Obviously, he’s training hard too but it if it can make that kind of difference to someone not on a cycle, it should definitely get the job done from a PCT point of view.
Here’s one from an older who’s had similar (but not as dramatic) results:
In 4 months that’s a pretty impressive transformation, and you can definitely tell by how this guy is carrying less fat and packing a lot more muscle that he’s got much higher T levels.
With these kind of results happening with natty’s you can tell why guys are using it as a natural PCT.
There’s a few more of these reviews and they’re definitely worth a look in, they’re nicely done and the guys doing them usually have a write up or a video going through their experiences. Granted it’s not all relevant but it’s very reassuring: www.testofuel.com/our-testimonials
How it works
NOTE: As we’ve covered in other articles, if you’re looking to use a natural testosterone booster for PCT you want to start the day after your cycle stops.
The servings in TestoFuel are great. 4 daily doses may not sound the most convenient but it is easily the best when it comes to constantly supplying the body with what it needs to repeatedly boost testosterone levels.
The ingredients are great, however there doesn’t seem to be that many aromatase inhibitors to handle the estrogen. Regardless these are the nutrients that really stood out to us:
D-Aspartic Acid
One of the best amino acids for boosting testosterone levels and growth hormones. DAA promotes the luteinizing hormone (LH) in the body which is the precursor of both the male hormone and growth hormone. It has been proven in countless studies and is used generously in TestoFuel.
Vitamin D3
The best vitamin for boosting testosterone. Technically a hormone D3 is synthesized by our skin from sunlight and provides us with healthy levels of testosterone. With most countries and indoor living it is hard to get enough throughout the day. TestoFuel supplies you with enough to raise T levels and aid the reset of T production.
Oyster Extract
This nutrient contains a large amount zinc which is vital for test production, however it also contains various amino acids and vitamins which help support a healthy lifestyle. A zinc deficiency can lead to a rise in estrogen levels and the mineral is vital for any testosterone boosting processes.
This mineral is the most important when it comes to increasing the bio-availabilty of free testosterone. Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (or SHBG) is a protein that binds with up to 60% of the testosterone in our bodies, stripping it of any anabolic potency. Magnesium, takes the place of testosterone, inhibiting the protein and allowing more of the male hormone to go free.
Full List:
Honorable Mentions:
Zinc, Vitamin B6, Fenugreek and Asian Red Panax Ginseng. If you want to know more about these ingredients and how they help boost test, it’s worth checking them out on the TestoFuel website: www.testofuel.com/ingredients
Are there side effects?
Absolutely not. TestoFuel uses no synthetic compounds, and is an entirely natural supplement. It’s a far safer alternative to things like Nolvadex and Clomid, however it will take longer to have an effect.
How long should I use it for?
As long as you want, but we recommend 3 months for the best results and effective testosterone recovery – plus that way you qualify for a money-back guarantee in case it doesn’t measure up to your expectations.
How much does it cost?
It varies from how much you buy, 120 capsules cost around $69.00 or the equivalent depending on your country (they ship worldwide). Although if you buy more than one at a time, it works out considerably cheaper.
TestoFuel for PCT Review Conclusion
If you feel like you’ve got your estrogen under control, TestoFuel is a great choice. It’s great for boosting testosterone and growth hormone, which makes it a strong candidate for those who are looking to use it for a natural PCT.
A lot of guys who are natural have used this supplement and have made some pretty impressive gains, so it should fare pretty well for maintaining your gains after a cycle.
You can find out a lot more about TestoFuel by checking out their website: www.testofuel.com – it’s the best PCT we’ve found for raising T out there.
Company Website: www.testofuel.com