PowerTEK AlphaPlex Review

A product by PowerTEK

Overall Rating:


Positives Negatives
  • Contains some good ingredients
  • Ineffective Ingredients
  • Proprietary Blends
  • Poor Servings

Review Overview – What does PowerTEK’s AlphaPlex do?

powertek-alphaplex-reviewBrought to us by PowerTEK, AlphaPlex is an all natural testosterone booster that is claimed to promote:

  • Strength
  • Energy
  • Stamina

But how well does it really all work?

In this review, we’ve looked closely at the ingredients, side effects and servings regarding AlphaPlex to see if it really is worth the investment.

This is what we’ve found:

How are the servings?


With only 1 serving a day, there’s only so many benefits you can expect to get out of AlphaPlex.

The more servings the better, and realistically 3 – 4 should be enough to constantly supply your body with the nutrients it needs to constantly raise testosterone levels.

With fewer servings a day, the less support T levels have of staying up and getting to that optimum level.

What about the ingredients in PowerTEK AlphaPlex?


Although there are some good ingredients in AlphaPlex, there are also some not-so-great ones.

And on top of that you’ve got to take into account the proprietary blend which can rock the entire reliability of the product – i.e. we don’t know how much of each ingredient were getting.

This is what you need to know – from good to bad:powertek-alphaplex-side-effects

The Good:

  • Vitamin D3 – With an estimated 1 billion people deficient in D3, this nutrient is great for testosterone production. Usually synthesized through the skin, D3 promotes testosterone, bone health and various other functions.
  • Zinc – A mineral that helps produce the luteinzing hormone (LH), Zinc is used for reactions in the brain that helps create LH, which works for promoting both testosterone and growth hormone
  • Magnesium – By inhibiting Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (the protein that binds and ruins testosterone) Magnesium allows more T to flow through your system.
  • D-Aspartic Acid – Like Zinc, this nutrient promotes LH, which in turn helps testosterone and growth hormone
  • Rhodiola Rosea – This doesn’t promote testosterone, but it may help with mood and focus
  • Fenugreek – By regulating blood sugar, Fenugreek may reduce Sex Hormone Binding Globulin and increase free testosterone

The Bad:

  • Horny Goat Weed – Although originally thought to boost testosterone, there has been no evidence to suggest Horny Goat Weed actually does this. It may help to some extent with libido, but the effects are minimal
  • Tribulus Terrestris – In the same boat as Horny Goat Weed, thought to boost T, but in actuality does very little
  • Shilajit – A combination of minerals that have had mixed results, may not boost testosterone levels
  • Coleus Forskholii – Thought to promote fat loss and testosterone levels, however results are mixed, more evidence is needed before Coleus is considered reliable.
  • LongJack – Thought to boost libido, but studies are limited, does not boost testosterone
  • DIM – Originally believed to be an aromatase inhibitor (estrogen suppressant) but studies are unreliable
  • Maca – May boost libido, but doesn’t help testosterone levels


Ingredients Bottom Line:

As you can see, there’s a mix of both good and bad ingredients.

But there’s a bigger problem – the proprietary blend.

So many of the ingredients used in AlphaPlex have had their dosages hidden – this makes it impossible for us to determine how much was used, or how effective they actually are.

This is massively damaging to gauging the products effectiveness and makes it one of the poorer testosterone boosters we’ve reviewed.

To see what you should be looking for in a testosterone booster, check out our top rated ingredients for all the best information:

Top Testosterone Nutrients

Side Effects

There have been no side effects reported with PowerTEK’s AlphaPlex.

Is there anything better than PowerTEK AlphaPlex?

There absolutely is.

We’ve done the research, and looked far and wide for the best supplements on the market that promote:

  1. Muscle Gains
  2. Fat Loss
  3. Testosterone Levels
  4. Energy
  5. Mood
  6. Sex Drive

And it we’ve finally narrowed it down to just three.

These are the best testosterone boosters on the market, that both myself and our readers agree provide the best results. You can check them out below:

The 3 Best Testosterone Boosters

PowerTEK AlphaPlex Review Conclusion

Overall this isn’t the greatest testosterone booster on the market – far from it.

If you’re looking to use PowerTEK’s AlphaPlex, this is what you need to know before you buy:

  1. Poor Servings – With only one serving a day, this T-booster lacks the constant supply of nutrients you need throughout the day to get good results.
  2. Ineffective Ingredients – Many of the ingredients lack the clinical backing to vouch for their effectiveness
  3. Proprietary Blend – Many of the ingredients don’t display their dosage, you can’t know how effective they’ll be

It’s definitely not the best option out there.

To see what our readers (and ourselves) have had the best results with, check out the current highest rated testosterone booster on this site. It’s definitely worth a read:

Our #1 For Boosting Testosterone - TestoFuel

Out of all the T-Boosters I've tried, TestoFuel is the best for Maximum Muscle Gains.

It also:
- Added Strength
- Cut Body Fat
- Boosted My Energy

I took it for 3 Months and I saw some INSANE results!

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PowerTEK AlphaPlex
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