PCT-Platinum Review

A product by BioScience Labs

Our Rating:


Positives Negatives
  • Lots of proven ingredients
  • All one proprietary blend
  • No estrogen blockers
  • Reviewers may have been compensated for positive feedback
  • Under-dosed
  • Poor Serving Schedule


Review Overview – What does PCT-Platinum do?

pctplat1PCT-Platinum is one of the highest rated of its kind on Amazon.com – with 90% of the reviews on this product appearing in the 4-5 star area on the site. Although this seems enticing, it’s worth looking closer at these Amazon reviews.

Before we get to that, PCT-Platinum is a 30 day natural post cycle therapy that claims to:

  • Support testosterone and hormonal levels
  • Enhance energy and muscle growth
  • Detoxify the body

Usually when a supplement like this one has such good feedback there’s something going on behind the scenes – and with this particular product I think I found the reason:


Look at the last line on both. They’re exactly the same, which goes for most of the reviews on the page. PCT-Platinum may be giving away the product for free for the cost of a positive review.

And considering the amount of positive reviews they’ve had, this seems more than likely. It doesn’t necessarily mean PCT-Platinum could be a bad product, just that we should take these Amazon reviews with a pinch of salt.

The real answer to PCT-Platinum being an effective post cycle therapy is going to be in its serving recommendations and ingredient profile.

How does PCT-Platinum work?

This PCT requires 1 serving a day of 2 capsules. I’m not so convinced by that amount. For the best results when using natural supplements, the more servings the better. 3 – 4 individual servings a day help the body recover far quicker as it is constantly being supplied with the nutrients it needs to continue to progress.

A top up every 24 hours can give the levels, may slow this down by allowing levels to sink in between servings.

So the servings aren’t that great, but what about the ingredients?

Unfortunately the entirety of this product is a proprietary blend. This means we don’t know how much of each ingredient is being used – and whether it’ll be effective enough to restore T levels, and by extension block estrogen and detoxify the body.

The ingredients were good, but on the whole this product was horrendously under-dosed. See for yourself:


Milk Thistle Seed – Used to help protect the liver after it has been through trauma (caused by methylated prohormones). The Silymarin in the milk thistle enhances liver fucntion and inhibits the components that are causing hepatic damage. It can also help the liver stimulate protein synthesis.

N-Acetyl Cycstine (NAC) – A powerful anti-oxidant that helps towards the detoxification of the liver. It can also help prevent further liver damage by any remnants that are around after your cycle.

D-Aspartic Acid – An amino acid that helps boost testosterone, and it’s pretty good at it too. It helps create the precursor to the male hormone by reacting with the brain to create luteinzing hormone. This then goes on to yield testosterone and growth hormone.

However considering this ingredient is part of a 1,310mg blend. It’s doubtful that there is enough here to make a difference. Usually over 2000mg of DAA is needed to make any impact. Which goes for a lot of the ingredients in Platinum.

Saw Palmetto – One of the best natural ingredients you can get for maintaining prostate health, which may become an issue after a cycle. Saw Palmetto has been seen to aid urinary symptoms and flow measures of a recovering prostate.

Hawthorne Berry and Celery Seed are nice touches too, they help improve blood flow and support joints, both of which need a reboot after a heavy cycle.

As you can see, the ingredients used in this product are pretty solid – however, there is a major issue with the fact that this product is heavily under-dosed and all ingredients are hidden beneath a proprietary blend.

The worry is that the ingredients are good on paper, but definitely not in practice. Especially when things like DAA are clearly not being used enough.

There’s also a problem with the fact that this product uses no aromatase inhibitors whatsoever, which is an issue as too much estrogen is a very real concern just after a cycle.

Are there side effects?

No, this product is completely natural and uses some pretty good ingredients. However, it is heavily under-dosed and doesn’t have any estrogen suppressants, which could lead to the symptoms of low testosterone and gynocomastia (man-boobs) as estrogen levels may become more dominant in the body.


How long should I use it for?

They recommend 30 days.

Although to be honest we feel 2 – 3 months gives the best results when going the natural way after a cycle, and as this product is heavily under-dosed, it may take even longer. You’re better off with a more potent product.

– Click here to see my highest rated PCT supplements –

How much does it cost?

On Amazon.com we’ve found it for $24.97 for a month’s supply. It’s cheap, but it is under-dosed.

PCT-Platinum Review Conclusion

This product is a double-edged sword. It has lots of good ingredients, but everything else is a shambles.

The serving schedule for this product is too infrequent to make a serious difference to reset testosterone levels. It needs to be at around 3 – 4 times a day instead of 1, otherwise levels can slip back down between servings.

The ingredients are heavily under-dosed with an entire day’s serving only measuring up to 1,310mg.

There are also no aromatase inhibitors in this product, which is essential for blocking estrogen, which is very important after a cycle.

In conclusion we have no choice but to recommend you don’t buy this product for your PCT. There are other products out there that are better than this one – some of which we’ve reviewed on this site.

Be sure to click around and we’re sure you’ll find a PCT product that is right for you. You can view my top 3 over here.

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