A product by MuscleTech
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Review Overview – What does MuscleTech’s TEST HD do?
TEST HD is a testosterone booster on the market brought to us by MuscleTech.
It’s claimed to:
- Boost Testosterone
- Increase Muscle Mass
- Improve Energy
But does it really?
We’ve reviewed the servings, ingredients and science behind this testosterone booster to see if it’s really as good as its marketing claims.
Here’s what we discovered in our findings:
How are the servings?
There’s only two servings a day in this product, which doesn’t guarantee the best results.
To see a constant improvement in your testosterone levels, you need to have a constant supply of nutrients.
That means you need around 3 to 4 servings a day to ensure constant progression. There only a few testosterone boosters out there that do this, but they are considered the most effective.
We’ve compiled a list of your best options for these types testosterone boosters, and you can find out more in the link below:
– The Top Rated Testosterone Boosters –
What about the ingredients in TEST HD?
They’re okay – but there is room for improvement.
There are some good ingredient in here, but also some ineffective ones.
Here’s what you need to know about this product:
The zinc is a good start…
One of the core testosterone boosting minerals, zinc is used for reactions in the brain to create the luteinizing hormone (LH).
This is the precursor to both growth hormone and testosterone, ideal for someone looking to raise their T levels.
The Tribulus however, is very poor choice…
Originally thought to be one of the most potent natural testosterone boosters, this turned out to be clever marketing.
In reality, tribulus has been seen to have no effect on the male hormone, but may have minor influence on libido.
The Shilajit could go either way…
A mix of minerals which has shown interesting results in studies. This nutrients has been seen to work on some occasions, but not others.
More studies have to be done, but it doesn’t look entirely promising.
The boron however, is a lot better…
This mineral has been seen on several occasions to help boost testosterone.
It also helps increase free testosterone in some cases, and has also been seen to even reduce estrogen levels.
The broccoli however, is a different story…
Supplying DIM, there are conflicting studies to the reliability of this nutrient boosting testosterone.
We wouldn’t bank on this giving you the results you’re looking for.
Stinging nettle is a better option…
Seen to reduce your body’s amount of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin – the protein that binds to testosterone and strips it of its anabolic potency.
With less of this in your system more testosterone can flow freely through your bloodstream.
Velvet Bean is also a good choice…
A great nutrient for boosting testosterone. This ingredient has been seen to increase sperm quality, dopamine, and raise overall testosterone levels but it ability to lower stress.
However there could be more used in this product for the full effects.
Ingredients Bottom Line:
Overall, there are a few good ingredients in TEST HD. However, MuscleTech has used several ineffective ingredients alongside them.
This isn’t a problem, but it means it misses out several other core nutrients that would have had a far better effect.
Vitamin D3, D-Aspartic acid, and magnesium would have all been good choices here. It really lets the product down.
If you want to know what you should be looking for in your testosterone booster, check out our top Testosterone Booster nutrients page in the link below:
– Best T-Boosting Nutrients –
Side Effects
There have been no side-effects reported with TEST HD.
MuscleTech TEST HD Review Conclusion
Overall, this is an okay testosterone booster. But it’s not by any means the best.
In closing, here’s what you need to know from this review:
- Servings could be improved – With only 2 servings a day, this is not your best option for maximum testosterone production
- Missing Core Nutrients – Vitamin D3, D-Aspartic Acid and Magnesium would all be good additions here
- Some ineffective ingredients – many of the nutrients chosen in this product have been seen to be unreliable in studies
On the whole it is a mediocre choice, and needs some work before it is considered effective.
To see what we use, and what we think is the most effective and safest testosterone booster on the market, check out our number one choice below:
Out of all the T-Boosters I've tried, TestoFuel is the best for Maximum Muscle Gains.
It also:
- Added Strength
- Cut Body Fat
- Boosted My Energy
I took it for 3 Months and I saw some INSANE results!